Sunday, January 15, 2012

This oughta piss off some people

Marines piss on people.....

Yeah....go blow your horn and be outraged. Whatever.

There are hundred of thousands of children in this country being abused daily.....
Families have no food.....
Your fucking neighbor doesn't have a job....

And because the media exploited the people that defend your get mad. I call bullshit.

Hey...go sign up for the military. Go through basic training, and then load your gun and defend your country. can bitch.

Most of you have no idea what it's like to kill someone. Hell, most of you don't know what it's like to leave your state, let alone your country.

Do I think what they did was right? Well, in my world, NO. Although, those thoughts have crossed my mind. But that is MY world...not theirs.

I can only imagine and suppose what it must be like to be a soldier. And in the middle east, where unrest is the norm....fuck that. We are spoiled. We live in ecstacy compared to what is going on in other countries. Get over yourself.

I'm gonna turn a corner, only to prove a point.

I was molested by many men, and raped by one. And now, I am a mother of a 13 year old girl, and I can't tell you how I might react if these same things happened to her. Oh bet your ass I have thought about it. It's one of my biggest fears. I have visions of a slow painful death for any degenerate that may violate my youngin'. But the truth is, I really don't know what I would do if faced with this. No one does.

Now, get your ass in fatigues, and endure blistering heat, and eat crap for months, and kill people that you are "supposed" to. You gonna keep your head in check? Are you gonna watch a sniper kill your best friend then go all "moral compass"? I don't know....again...NO ONE does.

There is no human that is perfect. You and me and soldiers and nurses and bankers...we are all sinners. We Make Mistakes. Judge not lest ye be judged.

As you go about your day, with your latte and your ipod, and bustle off to your job, and home and family....try and remember.....Your life doesn't represent everyone. There is a huge world out there, and if you do one thing today....let it be this. Compassion for the human condition. It isn't yours to hog.

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