Monday, January 16, 2012

a long day's night

It's funny how one person can change your perspective.

I don't know that I will ever be the person that anyone NEEDS me to be. I am who I am. I make no apologies.

Being comfortable in your own skin is both freeing and a burden. I can see the judgements, and hear the looks. Screw you.

And then....I think...who am I really screwing? Maybe, just maybe, I'm the problem.

And then you meet someone...someone that makes sense, and feels right....and know....

I have to be different people at many different times. I am a mother...and that makes me stable. I am a worker, in a male dominated profession, and that makes me hard. I am a single woman, and that makes me independent and tough. I have to be responsible, and resilient, and understanding. I am also a person that is loving and faithful. Boil all this in a pot....and somehow, it just doesn't work for many. It works for me.

Right or's just me. So if I have to accumulate 30 cats and live alone, it's what I'll do. But you.....have changed my perspective. I now see that...more than ever.....I'm ok.

And it won't be will be dogs.

I can't be anyone but exactly who I am.

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