Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm not entirely sure arrogance is a filthy adjective or not. It's got me scratching the noggin.

When I see assholes strutting around and acting with false bravado and acting like the world revolves around them, then yes. When I see chicks pretending to be supermodels and marginalizing those that don't have the "look"....well...then yes.

Overall, I don't agree with the term because I think it is overused. Mostly I think people mean--"hey...they aren't like me and think they are better." Do they really?

Well, duh. People think I'm arrogant. I'm really not. Not even a little bit. And I guess that leads me to this.....SAY WHAT YOU MEAN.

When I think of successful athletes, or leaders....I think a sense of "arrogance" is necessary. Law Enforcement is usually characterized as such as well. However, I think I want my "boys in blue" conducting themselves with that certain......well....arrogance.

There are times in this world when I believe it's necessary. It's all about believing in yourself and having the courage and balls to walk the walk, and talk the talk.

I have always told my daughter that --BIG RISKS EQUAL BIG REWARDS-- No one risks in a giant way without "over" believing in themselves. Crap, I do it everyday. Anyone ever tell you, " Do something every day that scares the shit out of you?" If you subscribe to might be labeled as arrogant.

I'm just saying. Choose your words carefully. Arrogance can be mistaken for confidence, or courage, or even amazing talent. Don't let that word define people that amaze you.

Don't underestimate YOUR ability to be arrogant!

Walk proud!

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