Friday, January 6, 2012

Oh Geez

I don't know why, but I woke up thinking about the upcoming presidential election. I don't have time to think about crap like this......but...

I vote. Always have, and always will. Somehow I think it's not only my right, but my duty. I know it wasn't very long ago that my gender wasn't "allowed" to vote. We weren't allowed to do alot of things. So, I vote.

Having said that, I don't want to vote for any of these candidates. NONE of them. Our political system is sooo money driven that there is NO WAY any of these goons can relate to what we as the middle class/poor really need in a president.

I know some pretty cool people that are pretty smart that I would vote for. I know a mother in the mid-west that has recently gone back to school to earn her degree while her and her husband are raising two children. She is full of integrity and love and has the Lord in her heart. I'd vote for her.

I know a school teacher right here in my neck of the woods that is so dedicated to her class she spends gobs of her own money to make sure they not only learn, but grow as individuals. I'd vote for her.

I know a pretty awesomely cool dude that works in Seattle. A laborer position. He studies compassion, and plays a guitar, and loves his family to pieces. He has more than he needs, but you would never know it as he values family over "things." I'd vote for him.

So am I going to vote this year? I don't know. I really don't. I will study the candidates and issues as much as I care to, and then leap off the bridge when I get there. And hey, there is always that nagging voice in my head that says....."if you don't vote, that dipshit will!"

Choose with Care.

Maverick Out.....

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