Thursday, January 5, 2012

At last....

I'm battling between jubilation and anxiety at this moment. Something I have wanted for a very long time may or may not be coming into fruition.

I work hard, very hard at what I do. I work like I parent. Integrity and determination and that moral compass that can't seem to point any way but due North. It's a curse and a blessing.

I'm not run of the mill. I'm out of the box, and exponentially called out on it. Sometimes, the mouth runneth over, and yet, even when taken to task, I'm usually right. Count to ten, Casi, Count to ten. puke

On this day, my hope has been renewed. Perhaps the drama and the struggle had blurred the vision. Perhaps, I had given up subconsciously. Whatever the case....I am on the verge of seeing hard work pay off.

I always tell my daughter that it works, and yet it's hard to believe it in my own works. Silly. It's true. HARD WORK PAYS OFF!

Whatever your endeavor, I hope you don't follow in my mindset and give up on something that you want. Consciously or sub consciously. Life is short......and life is shitty sometimes, but it's always YOUR life......

Dream big.....and love.