Monday, September 9, 2013

It's true.

Why Seattle Seahawk fans are like Modern day Harley riders.

A growing trend has been rising in the Northwest.  An ignorant one, but a trend none the less.  Legions of people adorning themselves with blue and green garb are chasing a dream.  The dream of a Super Bowl. 

Since 1976, a title has escaped the clenches of the NFL’s most rickshaw team.  Plagued by bad choices, bad management, and a fairy tale of a 12th man, that essentially, does nothing but spend money on beer and sports memorabilia that will never be worth a penny.

As a fan of a real team, it’s amusing and sad at the same time to watch the uprising.  I can’t help but compare this army of bird fans to the modern day Harley Rider. 

First of all, neither the Hawks fan nor the Modern Day Harley rider have any business participating in society, let alone belonging to the groups of their chosen affiliation.  Let me explain….

Football, like Harley Davidson, is steeped in tradition and history.  Monumental moments, humans, and accolades accompany both.  An inescapable image comes to mind when you think of either. 

Football, circa 1967…large men, heart of a lion, a few teeth, loyalty that makes the redcoats seems like traitors.  Sitting in below zero weather wearing nothing but the colors of the chosen one on a bare chest.  Tailgating for days waiting for a glimpse of #17 to stroll onto the field and lead the battle.  The kind of memories that make a person even to this day, smile, and cringe, and feel something.

Harley Davidson…same era.  Hell’s Angels, leather head to toe.  Cigarettes, crimes, compassion, beards,  tattoos  and freedom.    The shady side of hell.  Even though feared, respected like royalty.  We used to stop in supposed allegiance and watch a “gang” drive by.   


Part of America, both of them,  rich with tradition. And a definition that was not opposed.

  And now..

Welcome to 2000 and stupid.  Doesn’t matter what the exact year is. These raging asshats have been coming into their own for years.  Because Seattle has millionaires oozing out of every crack in a coffee cup, the Seahawks have been able to build a world class stadium. (fuck that…All Hail the Kingdome!), buy some high priced talent, and re invent their jerseys about 40 times.  Internet big wigs have marketed this team…and it worked.  But, honestly, is there room in the world for real football fans, and Seahawks fans?  I’m not even sure if they know what they are cheering for.

 NO ghosts of legends gone by are wafting in the wind to help bring the team to victory, unless of course you count Bosworth, who is still eating one hundred dollar bills for breakfast and laughing his ass off at Seattle Management. 

Reminds me of Harley Riders…wannabes.  Lawyers, doctors, small town big wigs…buying motorcycles and calling them hawgs.  It’s embarrassing.  I’m surprised more aren’t murdered.  I guaran-fucking-tee you not one of these douche’s have built their machine from the ground up.  Probably have no idea what most of the parts are called, or what a story each ride could tell.  It’s a way to jack off in secret.  The insecurities of their own lives have led them to a legendary machine between their legs, and now, they, like the Seahawk fans, can pretend they are somebody. 

Doesn’t work that way folks.

Harleys and Football are part of American History.  They should put this shit in history books.  It would be a hell of a lot more interesting than reading about how the states got their names, or the other iced over white history bullshit they feed our youth. 

So, when and If the Seattle Seahawks ever win a super bowl, and if hell freezes over and modern day Harley riders gain respect, nothing will change.  Neither tribe will ever know what it really means to be a part of something.  But I will.



1 comment:

  1. Well said!
    I tuned out on the NFL about ten years ago, and only occasionally will pay attention to it on tv. It's just not the game I remember growing up watching as a kid. For me, when Ground Chuck left everything went downhill.
