Thursday, September 19, 2013

Believing in something

I guess I perhaps wouldn't ordinarily push through like this, but with time on my hands, and random people pissing me off, this just has to happen.

The past month the word of the day has been re-evaluation.  After 42 years....I'm back on the rock.  The giant pale rock with no assumptions and or notions of intelligence.

People in general are ignorant.  It's not an insult.  You have been programmed as such.  And that in itself pisses me off.

You all get so caught up in following shit.  Shit like politics, and or cliques.  It's awful.  I want human kind to not be so dumb.  Dumb being a relative term, so don't have a hissy fit.

Have you ever wished that you could just follow what your brain wanted?  Perhaps break from the mold and be genuine? 

Let's just take Obama Care for example.  Looks pretty on paper.  But have you done your homework?  Wild Olympics....can you fucking read?  Health care.  You are being ass raped and enjoying it. 

I guess I have never been an anarchist by nature, or even a protester.   I just prefer to follow facts and use my own mind.  What if you did too?  What are you afraid of?  Someone disagreeing with you?  Who the fuck cares?

Debate is healthy.  Debate breeds intelligence.  Learning makes us all better people.

I couldn't be more proud of the fact that I am raising a daughter to question everything.  EVERYTHING.  Written word, status quo.....politics, television, and even my own thoughts.  It makes her strong, and it makes me smile. 

Stop.  Just stop it.  We could learn something from the past.  If it feels good, do it.  If you feel it, say it.  Fuck all y'all. 
