Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I'll make this brief.

I am not a feminist.  I have been accused of it, but I assure you I am not.  

Like all tag words and movements, shit gets blown out of proportion and the next thing you know people are wearing vaginas on their heads.

I do believe in Women's rights.  I want equal pay, and equal opportunities.  I want to be able to work in a job where men are not complete condescending, misogynist assholes.  The latter being mostly unachievable as I work in a male dominated profession.  But I digress...

So....all that being said, Let's talk about Abortion.

So you want to invite a man into your bed, and fuck his brains out, without a condom, and then when you get pregnant, it's YOUR decision what happens next.  I see.  So, men have NO rights?

It doesn't work that way.  If you decide to have an abortion without the consent of the father, I think  he should be able to charge you with homicide.  

I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion.  I stand by it fully. There are many circumstances where the man does not want the baby, (which is a discussion you both should have).  It is not only your right, but your moral responsibility to make that decision together.  But if the guy wants the child and you don't?  You have an abortion anyway?

The hypocrisy here, is that if you do give birth, you expect the father to financially support the child, and become a loving father.  Huh?  Again, men have no rights?  

MY BODY, MY DECISION. (rolling my eyes)

You go own that body girl.  Get tatts.  Be an athlete.  Remove rib bones, or gain 500 lbs.   But nothing will ever change the fact, that if you become pregnant, of your own free will, there is someone else's DNA attached to that baby.  

Chew on that folks.

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