Saturday, January 11, 2020

Go Pack Go

In front of tomorrow and the Seahawks v. Packers, I just wanted to say a few things about a topic close to my heart, and vicinity.

It is quite possible that the Seahawks are the most hated organization in the NFL. 

While it is true there are many rivalries in the NFL, it seems that the Bitch Pigeons have taken on the role of the team that so many love to hate. 

And here, In my humble opinion, are the reasons no particular order

#1.  Pete Carrol.  Dude is a pedophile looking, gum chewing, shit play calling piece of dung.  He tries to act like he's part of the team, but it is apparent he is just there to stimulate the media.  I am fairly sure he is just posing as a coach while waiting for some elite new bubble gum company to pay him to endorse their product.
     He has a history of shitty play calling, and acts like an excited teenager getting the chance to hold Russell Wilson's jock strap. He's just a JC dropout with little man syndrome.

#2,  The talent.  While I cannot deny that some players on Hawks have and or had talent, most are uneducated cocky punks.  I would be fucking embarrassed to have Least Mode on my team.  Their overall lack of respect for the game, the fans, and the sportsmanship overall is pathetic.  They just have no class.  Too bad Russell Wilson has to play with a bunch of thugs.

#3.  The Fans.  Please understand, I know some that love the game of football, and know the Seahawks.  However, the majority of the fan base has no clue what the rules are, who the players are, (unless that jersey is on sale), or the history of the organization.  They are rude, ignorant, combative, and intolerant of other fans.  also....BANDWAGON.

#4. THE FUCKING WHINING.  It's like no other I have ever seen in my life.  And this includes the long time fans.  It is no secret the NFL has some work to do when it comes to officiating...across the board, but my God the Seachicken fans can't and or won't let things go.  Every down, every god damned play bitching about missed calls, overturned calls, red flags,  and yellow ones too.  News flash, even the Bitch pigeons make mistakes.  As do ALL human, referees included.  Let it go.

and finally...

#5.  The City of Seattle.  One of, if not the most, Libertarded cities in the country.  Leaders that can't manage their way out of a wet paper bag wearing "12" jerseys trying  to be "relatable".  Man buns and coffee stands on every corner.  Elitist bikers that think they own the streets.  NO Rainier Beer!  The Kale, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, jicama eating enthusiasts and their restaurants.  Traffic is a fucking nightmare, and you have to sell your children to afford a "decent" place to live.  Also, paper straws.  I could literally go on and on.  Seattle has some beautiful sights and landmarks, but its a shit hole of leftist thinking ingrained in concrete.

I like Russell Wilson, a lot.  He is classy, smart, intuitive and fucking talented.  I wish he played somewhere else.  Truth is, if he leaves, the shittards are back to losing seasons, guaranteed.  I cannot and will not hate on Danger Russ. 

The Seahawks are the new Cowboys/Yankees/Lakers.  You either love them or hate them.  Congrats.

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