Monday, January 13, 2020

For the Thrill of it All....

There is no clearer evidence that common sense isn't prevalent in this country as the recent deaths of two children on the Oregon Coast.  

     In case you haven't heard, two children recently lost their lives in the deadly waters of the  Mighty Pacific.  Why?  Because their father made a horrific decision to challenge the ocean.  

     Every year thousands of people, mostly adults, make decisions that result in their death, or injury.  Thrill seekers, "outdoor enthusiasts" like hikers and skiers and naturalists put themselves in situations that no matter how prepared, could result in their death.  

     Did you know that almost every town down the Pacific Coast has an established "surf rescue" team?  Who pays for that?  

     Often times our National Guard and Coast Guard are called on to perform rescues for those that disregard common sense.  Who pays for that?

     While there are many volunteer organizations that can assemble on a moments notice, should they be called to rescue those that took the risk?

     I propose that our Law Enforcement, Firemen, Military, and volunteer organizations have plenty to do without scrambling to rescue some dip shit that thought they were bigger than the elements.

     Maybe our science classes are failing on educating people on the dangers of "nature".  I was very young when I was made aware that gambling with the elements had consequences.  So why does this keep happening.? I cannot be the only one that knows this.

     We are currently 13 days into 2020 and have already lost 3 to the Ocean in Oregon.  NO data on near misses, but I would bet anything they have occurred.  These are not boat related accidents.  These are strictly beach related to sneaker waves, high surf, and rip currents.  

     I will NOT listen to, "well maybe they didn't know" or other varieties of this ridiculous excuse.  I don't care if you have been landlocked your entire life and it's your first time seeing the ocean!  There are signs, and news stories, and then there is....COMMON FUCKING SENSE.

     Being picked off the rocks when the tide comes in?  Are there people unaware that tides occur?  Went hiking and got lost.  Well, my dear, perhaps you should have taken a guide or just stayed in a campground.  Climbing mountains to prove something to yourself?  Great.  If you die, you proved something.  You cannot do it.  My most immense irritation in this category is clearly the ocean.  I see folks everyday playing games with Ocean.  I talk to many...and guess what?  Most of the time I get blow back.  "We know what we are doing."  "You are over exaggerating."  "Mind your own fucking business."  Ok.  see you at your funeral.

     I'm sad for the loss of life, obviously, but when it can be prevented, and you know won't find sympathy from me.  I am more upset about the resources you used up so someone could bail your dumb ass out of the situation.

     The father that survived that lost his two children in the surf.  I'll bet he wishes he was dead.  I would.  The decision he made was fatal, and tragic, and COMPLETELY illogical.  I understand that this is now under investigation, and that is EXACTLY what should happen.

     So many don't think about the consequences of their behavior, and that is exactly what is wrong with people in this country.  People talking smack, living a life of of wants and not realizing that every choice, every behavior, has a consequence.

     I know full well I will get a shit ton of criticism for this post.  I'm ready to take it and defend it.  Seriously, prove me wrong.

Bottom line, the lack of common sense and responsibility in this country is so overwhelming, that it has put many in precarious positions.  Next time you call for the police, and they don't come, don't bitch about it.  They are risking their own lives to save some idiot from the surf.  If a crab boat needs the Coast Guard, and they aren't immediately at your disposal, too bad.  They are rescuing people from the coast that made a really bad decision.
     This ridiculousness did not occur when I was a kid.  So many people would have spoke out and made sure this wasn't the norm.  Now the public outcry is so prevalent, that you can't even criticize the dumb.  

     Our Public Servants have well enough to worry about, without coming to the aid of those that take calculated risks with mother nature.  

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