Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Socially Acceptable?

I find it quite amusing that people complain about what others post or say on Social Networking Sites. 

Disclaimer:  I support the opposition to teens, vulnerable and the like posting too much information and/or indiscreet photos of themselves, however, this is a parenting issue, and not at all what I am addressing here. 

Social Networking is just that.  It has replaced meeting for coffee at Denny's and chit chat around the water cooler.  So it stands to reason that you will find any and all subjects filling your streams. 

I remind you, just like the telly, you have choices. 

You get to choose who reads your musings, and what diatribe you can enjoy.  If you are unaware how this is possible, you shouldn't be on a social networking site.

It used to be that subjects like politics, religion and money were subjects held close to the sleeve, and not discussed in social forums.  At least that is how I was raised.  Some things are private, and better off left in the confines of your home. 

But even with the biggies off the table, people continue to bitch about the ordinary subjects that people  share.  "I went to the gym."  That now has legions of haters.  Why?  It's a friggin' social networking site!

I suppose people have to take a good look at themselves and comparatively review their lives against those actions of others.  It's unnecessary.

Duck face, recipes, quotations, pictures.  It's all allowed.  You don't get to tell others what they can and cannot share.  Again...you have a choice.

The bottom line of this is quite simple, and perhaps will help you take pause the next time you want to complain about hearing about the ten millionth time I cook clams. 


In Conclusion, if people want to say they are happy, republican, agnostic, and or tyrannically insane, it's really none of your business.  Chose to reply or don't, but complaining about the way others use social networking sites is a waste of time. 

Go play outside. 

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