Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dearest Young Self:

HI! Nice to meet you finally!  I'm 42 and have lived through quite a lot.  I honestly don't remember much about you, but I have a lot of things to say to you, and some advice to impart, should you choose to accept it.

First of all...being young is a privilege that you won't understand until you are old and it takes 3 days to get over a "night out with the girls".  Don't waste time in your youth worrying about grown up stuff.  Play in the mud, run in the rain, and see with your heart!  The best you can hope for at your age is to wake up happy and refreshed and go to bed exhausted.  Use every minute of the day you can.

As you grow, please know that your life is yours.  NO ONE Else's.  Don't watch too much TV.  Don't listen to too many opinions.  Don't follow a crowd.  ANY crowd.

You will hear many times that life isn't fair, and this is true.  Your world was shaken at a young age as your father passed away far too early.  WE were left without a father figure.  You have no idea how damaging that is in your life until you try to be a grown up.  IT will also mess with your self esteem and skew your view of parenting.  In your case, sadly, your dad was your only ally, and that in itself will mess with your head the rest of your life.  There is help.  Get it early, and get it often. 

Don't keep things bottled inside.  It will make you the life of the party, until your body can't take it anymore, and then you will hide. 

Tell people.  Tell anyone that will listen how much it hurts, and that your heart needs to be healed.  Keep talking, and keep growing.  Don't settle for good enough.  You only get to do this shit once.  Trust me....  Find God.

It is your right to feel safe and be safe.  NO ONE gets to take that away from you.  No one gets to touch you anywhere you don't want.  If they do, tell someone!  If that SOMEONE doesn't listen, tell someone else.  Keep telling until someone hears you.  Again, there will be help.  You can change the course of history if you listen to my words. 

You get a human body to live in while you are here.  Aside from treating it physically like a Queen, make sure you don't forget to take care of your brain as well.  It will play tricks on you.  The power of thought is a powerful thing.  No One will talk about it openly, but it will be prevalent in your life if you let it.  If you don't take care of your brain, your physical body will suffer as well.  Remember this. Find God.

Your love of people is your greatest asset.  Your passion is your Achilles heel.  Finding the balance might seemingly  drive you mad, but if you start early, you may find it.

Read, learn, and explore!  The world is larger than the picture that is painted for you.  Global vision will help you in your daily life and your decisions....REFUSE TO TAKE ANYTHING AT FACE VALUE!  (EXCEPT $100 BILLS.)

Relationships are so important.  Be nice to everyone that crosses your path.  This is critical.  Imprints you leave on people's lives stay with them.  Be cautious and particular about who your let imprint you.  People and their motives can scar you.  Judgment is NOT yours.  Find God.  Everyone walks their own path.  Good, bad, ugly?  Find yours, understand yours, judge no one.

Being strong means knowing yourself fully, and appreciating what you have, not what others have.  Strength in your heart and you mind will protect you.  Your intelligence and sharp mind can take you a long way.  Don't abuse the power.

Family has to be #1.  After all the friends, and relationships, and jobs and teams, and acquaintances, family will be there despite your circumstance.  I guarantee you, this is true. 


Find God. 

Love your pets as family.  Color outside the lines.  Say what you mean, not what people want to hear. 

I wish we could have met on some plane in the universe earlier, however, at this time, please take this missive as a loving gesture, and be kind to yourself and the planet. 

Life won't be here for very long.  Go for it.

All my love, Age 42.

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