Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Problems they need a fixin'

An awful lot of finger pointing going on right now.

We as a society are good at that.  I suppose as a species, it's  inherit in us to play the blame game. As children we learn it early on.  NOT ME! 

A flaw in parenting.  Making sure personal responsibility is in our repertoire has never been a priority.  It's hard for us to do it as adults, how do we teach it?  The answer screams in front of us, yet we don't realize it until it's too late.  WE MODEL IT.

Can you re-learn personal accountability.  Well yes, but it isn't easy. 

The government is shut down.  Many things we have taken for granted for most of our lives are in danger of disappearing.  And the most prevalent action anyone can take is....pointing fingers.  SAD.

So I sit and wonder about solutions.

I try to live my life with personal accountability, and invest in society with morality and pride. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes.  We all do.  But the most important thing you can do every day is take notice of your own actions.

I am not happy with the administration, and over time, I haven't never been completely happy with any administration since I've been aware.  I tell myself that if I vote, I can bitch.  Ha.  So many freedoms at my fingertips, and I choose to bitch.

We may be on the brink of revolution.  That probably isn't a bad thing.  However, fear will fuck this up too. 

What do you do everyday to participate in a successful society?  Do you ever think about that?  Most don't.  We are lazy and feel entitled.  Just sip our lattes and bitch about the assholes in Washington.  Maybe the assholes in Washington are bitching about you?

When you voted, was it an informed vote?  Do you research any of the candidates?  Do you realize that in a perfect world, who ever you check off on a ballot will be YOUR voice?  Perhaps just keep watching TV and listening to people you "think" are in the know.  You are being brainwashed to vote the way majorities want.  Stop right now and realize that the Majorities...don't give a fuck about you. 

How about taxes?  Do you pay them?  Do you understand fully what the purpose of your taxes are and why it is important to participate in paying them?  Well fuck, most people just look forward to a refund and blow it on weed and a new 54" plasma.  It's layers a mite deeper than that folks.

Taxes piss people off and breeds even more finger pointing.  Personal accountability.

This country was built on old white money, and annihilating anything that stood in our way.  WE took things that weren't ours, and wrote a doctrine that justified that.  YIKES!  What history book am I reading?  And some wonder why people feel so self entitled.  What the fuck.  We are white, and powerful and we do whatever the fuck we want!  How's that working out for ya?

As this all unfolds, try to remind yourself you have a hand in your own life.  Your choices make a difference.  Turn off the TV, and live.  You had a hand in fucking all this up, now let's choose to fix it instead of pointing fingers and waiting for someone else to make the boo boo go away.

1 comment:

  1. Did they make informed votes? Not in Grays Harbor County that's for damned sure. We are the poster children for the low info Democratic voter.
