Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Many times in my life I have wondered why I am here? What does God have in store for me? I've even wanted to give it all up before. Like end it all. The last several years of my life have opened my eyes.....

I know why I am here. I know what my purpose is and what God's plan is for me. It's not an easy road, and still, I accept it.

I remember that scene from City Slickers. "You know what the secret to life is?" "It's that one thing....and you have to figure it out for yourself." I have figured out mine.

I give of myself to make sure that others shine. I feel good, when others are inspired or feel hope. I give until it hurts, and watch the glory. I speak for those who can't speak for themselves. I endure, so that others may not. I smile, even when it hurts, because I have to. It is my calling.

It's a lot. A whole hell of a lot. And yet, I'm at peace.

I'm not perfect by any means. I fuck up daily, and struggle with many things. And yet, it's all OK. I know what my job is. I don't need a lot of money, or people fawning over me. I need to know, that people are OK. I need to know that because of my actions, or my words, hope is infiltrating the masses.

So my heart beats, and I work and I do laundry. And I live. And, I will continue to live, and be a compassionate human being that ...well..."gets it."

Find out why you are here. Life is too short. Be the spark that you know can be. Everyday is a gift, and I can continue on with these cliche's.....but you get the gist.

Peace is just a reflection away.

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