Thursday, January 26, 2012


Sometimes, people think I'm nuts.

And sometimes, people wish....that they had my balls.

I don't know what I think about me sometimes. All I really know is that I have this push inside of me that won't let me veer from what I believe to be right.

While I can empathize with most, I find it hard to believe that most can't empathize with me.

I truly DO NOT HAVE A PRICE. If you offered me a million dollars to do something my moral compass disapproves of, I wouldn't accept it. I can't cave in the face of adversity. I won't negotiate my values. While right and wrong have a gray area, for me, the lines don't blur.

I am proud to say I stand up for myself. I firmly believe that the choices I make as a female will directly affect those of the the same gender that will follow in my footsteps. I also believe that the choices I make as a human being will benefit mankind. I can't NOT do that. me crazy, and judge me on your values...but I stand regrets

I'm a survivor, in more ways than one. I won't compromise my values for society or what society thinks is acceptable. Perhaps...Society is Wrong.

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