Thursday, May 8, 2014

To The Class of 2014

It's almost here.  It's time for you to spread your wings and leave the days of high school behind you. It's time for you to meet the world.  

The World, may not be ready to meet you.  In my 43 years I have learned a few things.  I find myself reflecting on my youth and saying, "Damn, I wish I had known that."  And now, I shall share my reflections with you.  

Good Luck to all of you.  It has been a pleasure watching you all grow into young adults.  Being on top in the Senior world probably has you thinking....I got this shit.  Yeah well....

Your tiny little world is about to explode.  NO matter if you go off to college, into the military, or right into a career.  An explosion is coming that you are NOT ready for.  The world out there has one mission, and that is to BREAK you.  You must NOT let it.

The following is a list of things recommended for survival, and you have 3 months to check everything off this list.

The day you graduate, take inventory of your circle.  Look your Mom or Dad, or Grandma or whoever, straight in the eye, and sincerely say thank you.  Tell them how you feel, and share your fears with them.  You owe this to yourself.  A discussion of monumental proportion will ensue.  Take notes.  They have been there.  Listen, and say thank you.

Sit down and write a list of things you wish to accomplish in the next 10 years. Stow it in a safe place, and leave it.  

Take mental inventory of where you live.  The next step in your life is apt to take you away from the safety of your comfort zone.  While you are soaking in the amazement of other regions of the planet, never forget the beauty and comfort of the area in which you were raised.  

Decide what you will and wont accept in your life.  This is a short list of very important things that mean the most to you.  This will be more important than you think.  In the years to come, you will be tested time and again to bend your judgement and value system.  Defining them now will help you stay the course.

Understand the word , "CULTURE"  Look it up if you have to.  Study it.  You were raised in a culture, and as time goes on, your will experience different perspectives to your own.  Unless you decide early on to understand instead of resist, life will be harder on you.

In the next 3 months, remind yourself that you live in a tiny section of the world.  Looking at things globally will  exponentially guide your successes.  Whether you are from a small town or a city, remember, there are billions of people on this planet.....and they deserve just as much as you do.

Apply for and get a credit card immediately.  Don't tell anyone you have it. Stow it in your wallet or purse and breathe easy knowing that you not only have something for emergencies, but you have also started building your credit that will help you later in life.  

Read and learn.  Suck in knowledge like you never have.  High School and all the elementary education you have received up to this point has been structured.  The curriculum is no different than any other school, and it also is just as bland and jaded as a person could fathom.  Rich guys in expensive suits have decided what you should and shouldn't learn.  Those boundaries are now gone, so go get it!

Have fun!  Being young is a privilege.  Don't waste a minute.  Enjoy people, and life, and explore!  Your youth will not last forever.  We are all dying slowly, don't squander it.


Being Reckless as a youngster will haunt you the rest of your life.  If making bad decisions and having a criminal record is on your agenda, take it off now.  Times have changed.  You  CANNOT leave your past behind you.  

Find your faith.  In the toughest of times, finding a center of peace will serve you best.  

Reach for the stars.  The world, as they say, really is your oyster.  What they don't tell you, is that you have to jump through hoops to get there.  Jump.  Jump and practice jumping.  There is no get rich quick scenario.  There is no straight line to get what you want.  Being flexible is necessary.

Be humble and philanthropic.  Understanding that we are all in this together will keep you grounded and centered, and even though that sounds like bullshit right now, as you get older, you will appreciate this. Give if you can, even if it's your time.

Time is going to fly by, make sure you take notice of the minutes.  The imprints people leave on you will linger, and sometime, when you are 40, you will suddenly remember....take notice.

Question everything.  The reality that you have been made to believe is not what it seems.  Ask questions.

Go live your lives young ones.  Be happy, and sad and busy and fun.  I want to know that your generation is going to make a difference.  You have to.  We need help.  We NEED change.  

After you throw your cap in the air.....get busy.  Life is moving at a pace that you can't beat.  


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