Monday, October 7, 2013

Do the Huskies have a prayer of winning against the Ducks?

Well, NO. 

The last 2 weeks Dawg fans and local media alike have shouted and rooted as the Huskies won one, lost one.  What I don't understand is this.  Knowing the rich history, and domination that the DAWGS once stood for, why is anyone believing in this team?  Aside from being a student and or alumni there, this team isn't as good as you think.

The Arizona bout showed us that this very inexperienced team has a lot to work on.  Penalties, stupid mistakes, and lack of maturity made this game personally hard to watch. 

Losing to Stanford should be embarrassing.  And, on the same weekend that the COUGS won...tsk tsk. 

Overall stats will have you putting all your money on the DUCKS next week.  Passing game is failing miserably as no one can catch the ball consistently, and while the QB is agile, and putting up big numbers, he is also full of himself.  Football is a team sport Mr. Price.  Dig a little deeper yo.

Running game is taking shape, but you can't wait until mid season to put up big numbers and expect this writer to wear purple and gold.

While I believe this team has potential, it's also potentially  the antithesis of what their shiny helmets stand for. 

The Ducks are undefeated, and coming to Husky Stadium.  ESPN's College Game Day is also coming to Seattle.  Bad news Dawg fans.  The Huskies have been on Game Day 3 times before, never securing a win.  This time will be no different.  (Yikes, superstitious?  Wilson was just on the cover of SI?)

(on a side note: I find it ridiculously hilarious that Dawg fans think Game Day is coming because of them?!  Ba ha ha....umm......Oregon is #2.)

So get ready for bad news Seattle.  The Dawgs do not have what it takes to beat the Ducks this year.  Mariota is just too good.  The Dawg Pound won't be effective against him.  And unlike the Huskies Price, Mariota has targets that consistently catch the ball.  Probably follow them to the NFL. 

Even Duck fans are worried about coming to Seattle, and I wonder if I'm losing my mind or have I been watching different games than everyone else? 

I know one person that I bet agrees with me.  Don James!  He's probably shaking his head wondering what all the hullabaloo is about.  Although, his name forever smeared by getting caught.  That was Pac 10 shit.  We are now Pac 12.  New era.

Good Luck to both teams, but reality says put your money on the Quackers!

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