Monday, September 9, 2013

Pick and choose....

Just pick your nose.  And eat your boogers. 

I find it hard to believe that so many people find it repulsive to eat dried mucus.  Ridiculous.

From a very early age we are penalized for sticking our fingers in our nose and digging out a dried piece of snot that for one reason or another is bothering us. 

Sometimes it itches...sometimes it moves when we breathe and it's irritating.  Sometimes, we can just feel it there, and being inquisitive little animals that we are....we go a huntin'.  So What.

Most, and when I say most, I mean gallons of mucus draining from your head goes down the back of your throat anyway.  You already eat your boogers.  At some point in time some debutant decided that if it sets up shop in your nose for a bit, and becomes entangled in your nose hairs, or embeds itself to the side of your nostril, it has suddenly become gross.  Why?

Granted, the nose isn't the most attractive feature on our bodies.  But it serves its purpose, and has quietly become an beach side motel for vacationing mucus.  An now, because these independents, or mucapendents, decided to follow the road less travelled, (forgive me Mr. Frost) they are ostracized, and have become a sign of the unintelligent.  The less refined.

Everyone picks their noses.  Some say they don't, but they do.  It's part of being alive.  If you have never had anything in your nose, then kudos to you, but you are also lying.

Kleenex or hankies have become the accepted mode of transportation to evict these demons out of the nasal cavity. Let's face it, they aren't always available.   In a pinch, a sleeve works, but equally as frowned upon. 
The one finger on the nostril and blow with all your might technique is also in the arsenal of releasing mucus.  Similar to the loogie, the snot load can travel mighty quickly using this avenue. Socially unacceptable, but's just mucus. 

Boogers are a part of your body.  You eat them all day long.  Stop giving into peer pressure and political correctness and stop  feeling  ashamed about picking your nose and eating your boogers!

'snot for everyone....

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