Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Go suck an egg.

People amaze/disgust me.

I guess it's probably more my problem than anyone else's.  I had a really frank and productive conversation with someone that gets me last night.  It was comforting.  Having someone re-affirm your thoughts is gold medal shit. 

Humans are pretty proud of themselves.  Their jobs, their kids, their status.  Christ people even go on and on about their degrees and blood type.  It's all worthless. It's embarrassing to prance on the earth with most people.  Just flaming idiots.

What really matters?  What is the secret to life?  So many theories, but the correct answer is this:  NO One Knows. 

This society has gone so far out of it's way to resist individuality, that most people don't even begin to tap into whatever potential they may have.  Brains are soft now....

I struggle daily with why people do what they do, why some people act the way they do, and what might be my own, or someone else's next move.  It's maddening. 

I am however, coming to terms with idiocy, and mediocrity. 

Remember, My opinion.  Know your role.

At some point, my big fat brain needs a break.  And, as a wise man once said to me...let them be. And, I shall. 

I am not conceited nor do I think that I am superior to anyone.  I just see shit.  I can interpret shit that others can't.  It's exhausting. 

I could cut off my ear, sip poison with my beau, or shiver in the corner and paint trees.  I won't do any of that crap.  I'm just gonna live.

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