You know, I know I'm not super nice all the time. I have my limits. However, I do try to be nice most of the time. Sometimes, I can walk away and not say anything, but more often than not, I speak my mind.
People are rude. Rude and mean. Rude and mean and stupid.
I hear a lot of the younger generation complaining about being treated poorly in customer service jobs. Guess what? It is because you don't know what the fuck you are doing. I can't tell you how many times I have encountered shitty customer service over the years. It just keeps getting WORSE!
Look, I get it. Most things are out of your control, and its not your fault the systems in place aren't efficient or effective. However, there are things within your control that can mitigate ANY situation that you refuse to acknowledge.
Without further adieu...Mav's Guide to Customer Service.
1. Fucking smile. If I walk up to you and you aren't smiling, I'm going to assume you hate your job, and you have lost the battle already. Unless you shoved the tampon up the wrong fucking hole, smile. This tiny action alone will make your day go smoothly, and eradicate most assholes out of the gate.
No one should have to tell you to smile. That is customer service.
2. Listen. You should be an active listener. If you suck at this, you can successfully learn. Learning starts with getting the fuck over yourself. I know no one really wants to work in customer service, but if you have to, you need to listen. Every time you have a preconceived notion of what your customer wants, you fail. Listen. Practice active listening.
Go to a mall, sit you ass down, and just listen. Listen to conversations. Learn to block out the unnecessary and listen. Whatever it is you need to say is secondary to what your customer needs.
3. Drop the Fucking ATTITUDE. If I encounter a customer service rep with a hand on a hip or a roll of the eyes, you will hear from me. Ask around. I will call you out! We all have to work. We get it, it sucks. But I feel your attitude before we speak, you are going to get it back, and you will LOSE.
4. Work like your life depends on it. Work ethic goes a long way, not only with me, but with your employer. We notice shit. It doesn't matter if you make $5/hr or $25/ work your ass off. As you move on, you might need a reference, and if you are serving me, you will get a tip, no matter if you are a waitress, or just busting ass at RiteAid. People notice these things.
5. The customer is always right. I know this younger generation doesn't get this, but its true. Sometimes you have to bite your lip and take it. If you can't handle that, find another job. Obviously you don't have to take abuse, but most of the time, people just need to be heard. It is your job to hear it.
I have worked many customer service jobs over the years, and If I acted like you, I would have been fired. Just done.
Ok kids...Now that you know the basics...knock off your shit and do your job.
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