I don't know....You make the call.
What is the difference between a family from Mexico being detained at the border, and a family from Iran being detained at the airport?
And...if you don't want to detain either, what is your alternative solution to breaking the law?
And if you think it isn't breaking the law, what other laws do we get to ignore?
What is the difference between separating children from their parents at the border, and separating children from their parents that are in jail?
You currently aren't outraged or give two shits about the children of the people incarcerated, so why so worried about children from another country? And, if you don't like this, What are reasonable alternatives to keeping families together? Jail or immigrant....any ideas? Foster Care? (Broken)...Adoption? (ridiculously expensive)
What is the difference between Law Enforcement Officers owning a firearm, and a plumber owning a firearm? Or, a hunter owning a firearm?
If you don't want firearms accessible to anyone, what is your alternative? How will you protect yourself or your family? Call the police? Have you ever stopped and thought about the ratio of police officers to crimes, let alone citizens?
And....our police officers are currently being targeted by criminals, and the profession itself is having a hard time finding people to fill in the next generation of Law Enforcement. What might be an alternative to that? What if you call for help, and no one comes?
What is the difference between a man that lies, and a woman that lies?
There is no difference, and most of the time, you cannot tell that lies are being told.
Show me a distinction between your behavior, and the behavior of the President of the United States! There is no measurable distinction because we are human, and doing whatever we can, to do the best that we can. You jump right up on your righteousness and I will pull you right down. You know as well as I do we all do things that aren't accepted by everyone. I'll wait...go on. The difference is, no one calls you out publicly...but I will.
I guess I could sit behind a desk and look smug with a sign that reads, "Change My Mind", but that solves nothing. It's also pointless, because, you can't.
The only reason you cry and whine about any one of the above and not the other, is because of the morally defunct and unaccountable media that has shoved so much bullshit up your ass. We live in a time where information is at our fingertips, and yet, so many refuse to dig for the truth.
My truth isn't your truth, and vice versa. But there are undeniable facts that people won't acknowledge because they need to be right.
Putrid terms are being tossed around like baseballs. Terms like Nazi, terrorist, concentration camp, racists, and traitor, just to name a few. This is a gross misrepresentation of what is happening in this country. How dare any of you equate what is happening today to the tyranny that happened under the rule of Hitler.
On an educational note:..All of this information is easily obtained. Knowledge is key.
You see, what I do, is research. And while I am nowhere near the smartest person alive, I do my due diligence. I always try to see the other side. I think that is my responsibility as a human.
The last two days I have read, and read, and read about the National Socialist Workers' Party and the period between 1933-1945. In other words...Fascism. You can look that word up, but what I do know, is that we live in a fucking democracy. There is no fascism here. There may be fascists...but not in power. We also live in the greatest country on earth. If you disagree with that, then why are you here?
Also to be considered, while on the topic, is that we have a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, and government outlined with checks and balances. If you do not know this, your education has failed you. But, back to my point.....
Our elected officials at the national level are corrupt and you know it. We have longed for someone to stand up for the American people, and we finally have one. Not a politician, A wealthy American business man that said, enough. Successful in his own right, he is now making strides to get rid of all the bullshit politicians, and regain our role as the greatest nation on the planet. Again, if you have an alternative solution, I am willing to listen. But there is no one candidate on the Democratic Ticket that is worth a shit. (my opinion)...Again, willing to listen.
I try everyday to live up to my moral code. Obviously, I cannot achieve what I believe to be what is right all the time. You know why? Emotion. You know why you can't? Emotion.
So let's take the media, and your emotions out of all the political hot points right now. Let us embark on a journey to use your own mind, do your own research, and validate your own thinking.
I am a realist. Present realistic solutions, to realistic problems, and then we will talk. If you do not have realistic solutions, it is ok. But what isn't ok is using disgustingly degrading terms and raging hate to destroy my country. The fear and hatred the media and the left are creating is sickening, and complete and utter bullshit.
You do realize that Mr. Trump is the first sitting President to set foot on North Korean soil? He also was able to have the remains of many soldiers sent back to America. He donates his salary, has been a champion for law enforcement and the military, and has corrected bullshit trade deals that had been crippling the economy in America for far too long. He did all this to put his country first. And still, you can't get over the fact that he is crass? He isn't a politician. He is a shrewd businessman that is doing his job. The job we elected him to do.
So, before you stand in judgment of our President, try this. Clean up your own shit. Come up with alternative methods to create change, participate in society with hope, and know that your flaws can be exploited just like his. Difference is, he stood up to create change when he DID NOT HAVE TO. You didn't.