Thursday, April 29, 2021

Help Wanted

 A lot of people right now bitching about a lack of workforce for jobs.  People, primarily with a cushy job, bitching about those not working.  I say, fuck you.

     Service jobs are screaming for help and they aren't getting it and I couldn't be more tickled.  I see this as progress, while others are fuming mad.  

     Wages are coming up dumbasses.  Isn't that what we all want?  A fair living wage?  

I'm primarily talking about service jobs in tourist towns.  

     These business owners have been treating people like disposable diapers for as long as I can remember.  For 3-4 months they expect you to give everything you have to them.  And when I say everything....I mean, no time off, no second job, long hours, and no complaining.  Disposable.  When the tourists leave....and they cut your hours....they say work a couple days and  draw unemployment.  That is almost worse than not working at all.  Try to get a second job and coordinate so you can get 40 hours?  Seems legit. here or work nowhere.  They force you to quit.  

     I am getting a lot of joy watching these businesses scramble for help.  Maybe they will realize that people aren't commodities.  They won't, but a girl can dream.  

     Your complaints about folks not working is falling on my deaf ears.  I hope everyone that works in the service industry stays on unemployment until Labor Day.  

Don't forget who the real enemy is here.  It's not your neighbor drawing unemployment, it's the dipshits living in the big white house on the east coast.  Pushing division on the people is in their best interest, don't fall into the trap.  

     When your alarm goes off tomorrow, and you get up for work, be glad you have a job.  When you get off, grab a cold one and go check on that neighbor.  You might find your presumptions are way off.  And even if they aren't, you are still gaining from fellowship and understanding.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

For da Boys

 Lately I have been doing a lot of listening.  Listening to people talk about the economy, the administration, and even this new virus.  I listen...because we all know, no one is perfect and we all have room to grow.  I'm hoping to learn, and grow, and feel confident in my own decisions.  I listen.

In America, the sky is the limit.  You can, for the most part, be or do whatever you want.  Possibilities lay at our feet like lillies on a pond.  It's unique.  It's phenomenal.  It's.....Freedom.  So I listen.

So while I listen, and think about the United States, my home.  I am perpetually disappointed in some things I hear.  (i have that right to be disappointed, cuz,...freedom)  My head digests so much that some days I think I'm going crazy.  But, I'm not....What I'm going bat for my country.

I have met some wonderful people in the midst of this attack on our freedom. 2 in particular...former soldiers.  Men that would take a bullet for you any day of the week.  Read that again.

I know a lot of men and women that have served.  I will always respect them and feel eternal gratitude to them.   I mean, Jesus Christ, these men and women....what they stand for...what they do, for us!  For the United States. While you get your nails done, or work at your desk, or while you are celebrating a birthday with family, the soldiers have got your back, and you don't even know it!-- and it really seems like you don't care. 

It's not a movie.  It's not little green army guys.  It's fucking real.  Soldiers in sweltering heat running 12 miles so that I can run my mouth.  Missions in weather most of us would die in, so that Betty Lou in Seattle can buy a house by herself.  Missing their families so that Greg in Puyallup can be an atheist.  


But, no one can make you care.  That is a learned behavior that a lot of people seemed to not absorb. But now, It's more than just not caring.  It's dreadful, and embarrassing.  It's treason.  It's disrespect.  It's every nightmare you ever had rolled into one big sack of shit.

My heart dropped into my gut when I heard a soldier tell me how much it hurt to know that all that he gave, seemed to be for nothing.  That while he put his life on the line to protect us, some Americans cursed him.  Cursed the American soldier in the name of communism.  What a kick in the nuts.  Btw, go treat the Iranian army like they are will die.  

This all makes me think about 9-11.  How the country came together in the name of Freedom, to support each other, and the military.  How the country KNEW, we had to defeat evil and we would do whatever it took to protect our country and our borders.  Flags flew on every house, people gathered to pray, and heads bowed to remember the lives lost. 

Was that all a joke?  I mean.....  What changed?

What changed is the enemy.  We are not defending against foreign enemies.  Our enemy is sadly domestic.

I know the American Soldier didn't change.  They keep on keeping on to make sure you can do whatever it is you desire. he said....was it for nothing?  

In this moment in my life I cannot tolerate it.  I will not tolerate disrespectful American citizens criticizing my military.  I cannot tolerate American citizens endorsing communism.  And I will not tolerate the blatant criticism of the United States.

So, piss off.  Be a democrat, or republican, or whatever.  Be tall, be short, be stupid or smart.  Be a lawyer or a teacher.  Whatever it is in your head that makes you hate the United States or demean the military is a flaw that needs to be addressed in your life.  While I support your freedoms to do so, I won't tolerate it in my presence.

I will fight, along side those trained or not, to defend my freedoms and my country.  What will you do?

Saturday, February 27, 2021

There is no such thing as Gender Assignment

 Let the girls play.  

This notion of letting transgender athletes crossover is absolutely unfair.  However, as with most hot button issues today, People just follow the crowd without researching what impact this might have, or if it's really "fair" at all.

Let me help you out,....IT IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR.

Hey, if you wanna morph into a rabbit, I could give a shit less.  I hear the T-rex is also a popular animal that one could identify as.  I don't do doing you gives you no right to engage in any sporting event because you feel like the opposite sex.  

OH yeah....."ok...but women have done it."  Yeah, well here's the difference.  Pay attention as science wins this argument.

I spent many moons researching adolescent sports, in particular, for females.   Women's bodies develop at different rates and ratio's than that of a male.  If you need to be told this, perhaps take some catch up courses of the human body.  OR......there is this thing called google that will take you to a magical place that can explain.

Just because you FEEL like it's fair, doesn't make it so.  

Mens bodies are stronger by default.  And stay that way without exception for a lifetime.  Only illness or genetic deficiencies can change this.  But when an able bodied male wants to play dress up, that does NOT qualify them for a spot on the womens team.  EVER.

Unless the day comes that hormones and injections can change the natural makeup of a mans body completely, men have no role in womens sports.  We have battled long and hard for equality, and now you want to take it back?  bullshit.

There also comes a time when it's harder to keep girls in sports because they reach their natural athletic peak earlier than men.  Now this time varies and certainly is different in all women, yet it's still true.  How can we keep girls interested in sports and pushing themselves harder when they are pushed out earlier and earlier by transgender men?  It's hard enough to encourage participation with all the other barriers surrounding women's sports.  

Research has shown that boy and girls that stay in sports through the duration of the school years, including college, are more likely to succeed in life and stay out of trouble.  What do you suppose girls do that lose interest in sports?  You can draw your own conclusions.  

I watched my own daughter battle for equality in the sporting world her entire life.  I'll be goddamned if I will sit back now and watch all she and others fought for be dismissed because we have to coddle people and their feelings.

Let the girls play.....with other girls.  

Saturday, August 1, 2020


Unpopular Opinion:  run away if sensitive!!!!!

I'm pretty tired of hearing about "essential workers".  Essential worker is a tag word that was shoved down your throat, and you sucked it up like spaghetti.  Started feeling all superior and shit.  Starting feeling like you mattered more, and that somehow your life was more at risk than others.

Complete Bullshit.

Essential worker my ass.  And, now, you want and or demanding hazard pay for working during a circus sideshow.  

Ok then.  You shall be compensated.  If, and only if, you can equate your delusional sense of superiority and your hysterical Giant health risk, to that of someone that was laid off and or LOST their job.  Or, to a small business owner that lost everything.  Or, try to equate it to an elderly person home bound with no family and a fixed income.  

But, but....they gave you extra.  Did they now?  A shit ton of people are still waiting for any cent of income from unemployment.  It's true, those who did get their checks got extra.  However, they also had to sit by and worry, and adjust their entire lives, to try to fit this ridiculous narrative.  Will they have a job in the future?  Many, so very many, lost their jobs for good.  Some not eligible for unemployment.  Ya dig?

But, indeed, essential.  Really?

You go face to face with any Veteran in the country, or active military, and tell them just how fucking essential you are, then I'll stand beside you and make sure you get that extra income.  

Essential.....(absolutely necessary) (extremely important)  

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Dear Senior Class 2020

I can't say I fully know what you might be feeling right now, but I get it.  We all do.  For some reason we look back on our Senior Year as one of the the best times of our lives.  It's like that "party" year, that we most recall. So Sentimental.

I know you will be missing out on a lot of experiences.  Experiences you have heard many times from the classes that came before you.  I know, it sucks.  However....

There are many opportunities you will have that those of us that finished our Senior Year never got the luxury of experiencing.  Let's stay positive.

1.  You will never have to eat school lunch again.
2.  You can plan Senior Skip day like a boss.
3.  The odds of your bf/gf cheating on you dropped exponentially.
4.  You won't have to gaze out the window at the sunshine.
5.  All those pesky assignments.
6.  No awkward Monday mornings.
7.  Never have to face that teacher you hate again!
8.  No ridiculous fundraising!
9.  You don't have to pretend to like anyone!
10.  Your bully no longer has access to you
11.  No more gym showers
13, You can go to the bathroom whenever you want
14.  You don't have to get up early
15.  Think of the money you saved, as did your parents
16.  umm, awkward boners
17.  NO deadlines...(or substantially less)
18.  You get to start your life early!
19.  NO pre graduation hangover. (oh wait...nevermind)

So my darlings, let's look a the positive side of things. 

Our hearts really go out to you, and good luck!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I'll make this brief.

I am not a feminist.  I have been accused of it, but I assure you I am not.  

Like all tag words and movements, shit gets blown out of proportion and the next thing you know people are wearing vaginas on their heads.

I do believe in Women's rights.  I want equal pay, and equal opportunities.  I want to be able to work in a job where men are not complete condescending, misogynist assholes.  The latter being mostly unachievable as I work in a male dominated profession.  But I digress...

So....all that being said, Let's talk about Abortion.

So you want to invite a man into your bed, and fuck his brains out, without a condom, and then when you get pregnant, it's YOUR decision what happens next.  I see.  So, men have NO rights?

It doesn't work that way.  If you decide to have an abortion without the consent of the father, I think  he should be able to charge you with homicide.  

I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion.  I stand by it fully. There are many circumstances where the man does not want the baby, (which is a discussion you both should have).  It is not only your right, but your moral responsibility to make that decision together.  But if the guy wants the child and you don't?  You have an abortion anyway?

The hypocrisy here, is that if you do give birth, you expect the father to financially support the child, and become a loving father.  Huh?  Again, men have no rights?  

MY BODY, MY DECISION. (rolling my eyes)

You go own that body girl.  Get tatts.  Be an athlete.  Remove rib bones, or gain 500 lbs.   But nothing will ever change the fact, that if you become pregnant, of your own free will, there is someone else's DNA attached to that baby.  

Chew on that folks.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Customer Service?

You know, I know I'm not super nice all the time.  I have my limits.  However, I do try to be nice most of the time.  Sometimes, I can walk away and not say anything, but more often than not, I speak my mind.

People are rude.  Rude and mean.  Rude and mean and stupid. 

I hear a lot of the younger generation complaining about being treated poorly in customer service jobs.  Guess what?  It is because you don't know what the fuck you are doing.  I can't tell you how many times I have encountered shitty customer service over the years.  It just keeps getting WORSE!

Look, I get it.  Most things are out of your control, and its not your fault the systems in place aren't efficient or effective.  However, there are things within your control that can mitigate ANY situation that you refuse to acknowledge. 

Without further adieu...Mav's Guide to Customer Service. 

1.  Fucking smile.  If I walk up to you and you aren't smiling, I'm going to assume you hate your job, and you have lost the battle already.  Unless you shoved the tampon up the wrong fucking hole, smile.  This tiny action alone will make your day go smoothly, and eradicate most assholes out of the gate. 
     No one should have to tell you to smile.  That is customer service. 

2.  Listen.  You should be an active listener.  If you suck at this, you can successfully learn.  Learning starts with getting the fuck over yourself.  I know no one really wants to work in customer service, but if you have to, you need to listen.  Every time you have a preconceived notion of what your customer wants, you fail.  Listen.  Practice active listening. 
     Go to a mall, sit you ass down, and just listen.  Listen to conversations.  Learn to block out the unnecessary and listen.  Whatever it is you need to say is secondary to what your customer needs.

3.  Drop the Fucking ATTITUDE.  If I encounter a customer service rep with a hand on a hip or a roll of the eyes, you will hear from me.  Ask around.  I will call you out!  We all have to work.  We get it, it sucks.  But I feel your attitude before we speak, you are going to get it back, and you will LOSE. 

4.  Work like your life depends on it.  Work ethic goes a long way, not only with me, but with your employer.  We notice shit.  It doesn't matter if you make $5/hr or $25/ work your ass off.  As you move on, you might need a reference, and if you are serving me, you will get a tip, no matter if you are a waitress, or just busting ass at RiteAid.  People notice these things. 

5.  The customer is always right.  I know this younger generation doesn't get this, but its true.  Sometimes you have to bite your lip and take it.  If you can't handle that, find another job.  Obviously you don't have to take abuse, but most of the time, people just need to be heard.  It is your job to hear it. 

I have worked many customer service jobs over the years, and If I acted like you, I would have been fired.  Just done. 

Ok kids...Now that  you know the basics...knock  off your shit and do your job.