Monday, February 6, 2012

Casi's life part Deux

I suppose happiness is defined differently by so many. What makes each of us happy is unique to who we are and what we want. I'm 41, and shit -tickled happy.

I'm scaring the shit out of so many people, and yet, they haven't seen a glimpse of what I am really capable of doing. It's my life, and I'm happy, so why can't people just be happy for me? The answer is this: I'm not following what society expects me to do. So what? Who made the rules anyway?

This life decision is brought to you by pride, and that small voice inside yourself that you should have listened to. You stay safe, I'm jumping off that bridge.

Thank you so much to the people that have taken the time to really know what makes me tick. That see the value in my words and actions. I love you all. I mean really love you.

I left work tonight and told the store keeper of the store I frequent the most of my decision. Dude flat out floored me. Gave a speech of epic proportions. I left there smiling, and wondering, how the hell can that guy get me, and so many people close to me......well.....

I can't tell you how grateful I am that I have people in my life that support me, no matter what. Most of all, my youngin'!

Sometimes the ride is scary...but so fucking worth it!

Do something today that scares the shit out of you!

More to come......

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