Saturday, February 27, 2021

There is no such thing as Gender Assignment

 Let the girls play.  

This notion of letting transgender athletes crossover is absolutely unfair.  However, as with most hot button issues today, People just follow the crowd without researching what impact this might have, or if it's really "fair" at all.

Let me help you out,....IT IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR.

Hey, if you wanna morph into a rabbit, I could give a shit less.  I hear the T-rex is also a popular animal that one could identify as.  I don't do doing you gives you no right to engage in any sporting event because you feel like the opposite sex.  

OH yeah....."ok...but women have done it."  Yeah, well here's the difference.  Pay attention as science wins this argument.

I spent many moons researching adolescent sports, in particular, for females.   Women's bodies develop at different rates and ratio's than that of a male.  If you need to be told this, perhaps take some catch up courses of the human body.  OR......there is this thing called google that will take you to a magical place that can explain.

Just because you FEEL like it's fair, doesn't make it so.  

Mens bodies are stronger by default.  And stay that way without exception for a lifetime.  Only illness or genetic deficiencies can change this.  But when an able bodied male wants to play dress up, that does NOT qualify them for a spot on the womens team.  EVER.

Unless the day comes that hormones and injections can change the natural makeup of a mans body completely, men have no role in womens sports.  We have battled long and hard for equality, and now you want to take it back?  bullshit.

There also comes a time when it's harder to keep girls in sports because they reach their natural athletic peak earlier than men.  Now this time varies and certainly is different in all women, yet it's still true.  How can we keep girls interested in sports and pushing themselves harder when they are pushed out earlier and earlier by transgender men?  It's hard enough to encourage participation with all the other barriers surrounding women's sports.  

Research has shown that boy and girls that stay in sports through the duration of the school years, including college, are more likely to succeed in life and stay out of trouble.  What do you suppose girls do that lose interest in sports?  You can draw your own conclusions.  

I watched my own daughter battle for equality in the sporting world her entire life.  I'll be goddamned if I will sit back now and watch all she and others fought for be dismissed because we have to coddle people and their feelings.

Let the girls play.....with other girls.