I have put a lot of thought into what I might buy Rhys for a retirement present. Knowing that his journey is taking him on the road, I suppose something simple like a gas card, or or gift card, or money would be best. However, I find that impersonal, and way to practical a gift for a man that I care so much for.
So I have decided, my dear friend, to give you words. It's all I really have of value that you might keep with you for the rest of your life.
When I met you, I could never have known what sort of journey that we would be making. I also had no idea what sort of real character you had, or what an incredible asset that you would become to the community. And this, your character and commitment to this community, is what I would like to address first.
This community owes you a lifetime of love and thanks. While a tiny part of it was connected with your job, the rest of your selfless service all came from that gigantic heart of yours. While others were complaining about living in this community, you were doing all you could to make sure the lives of harborites became enriched and enlightened.
Myself no exception, the community time and again asked you to participate in countless events. I honestly don't remember a time you said no. Hundreds if not thousands of times you were called upon to emcee or be an auctioneer. And you did...and you didn't complain. No matter how big or small the event, there you were. Thank you, Rhys. Thank you for always being there.
So much more. So very much more. You graciously married folks, with no expectation of payment or accolades. You read to grade school children many times, and smiled while doing it. Your presence/ and or even just your voice has made such a huge impact on this community. It was always reflected every year as the people of this community made sure you were elected the favorite radio personality in Grays Harbor County.
Rhys, you are also a very generous man. While living "high on the hog" making DJ wages, (lol)..you always made sure your friends and family never went without. Giving without thought just to make sure people were ok. Just another exceptional quality that you bestow, and hopefully have inspired in others.
So many would wake up to hear your voice to begin their day. The area youth loved to hear you tell them that there would be no school today, or hear you announce their birthdays on the radio. People will deny it, but most of the folks around here will say that they know you, and think of you as a part of their family.
I believe in my heart, that you unknowingly instilled a sense of family in our community. Thank you.
I can talk about what you mean to the community for hours. Just this past month the people approaching you saying Thanks and wishing you well in the future should remind you of the outstanding difference you have made during your career here.
And I would be remiss, If I didn't mention, sharing you with thousands wasn't easy, and made me jealous often.
I will always laugh at the story about how we met, and you telling everyone that I stalked you all the way to Palm Springs. I will never forget watching games at your house, crying on your shoulder, laughing my butt off with you, or even just plain talking. You don't run across too many people in your life that you can count on, like I can you.
I appreciate you telling me the truth when I needed to hear it. I appreciate your arm around me, when I needed to feel it. I appreciate your friendship, and your love. Texts, phone calls, .....all memories I will cherish.
Dear man, I wish you well. I hope your journey gives back to you tenfold what you have given to all of us.
Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him. --Scottish Proverb.
Good Luck,
Sincerely, Me and Grays Harbor.