Saturday, March 10, 2012

I have had Enough!

Yesterday something changed inside me.

Our community and county has been through so much lately. We have been dealing with suicide, and drug convictions, and dishonesty, and now aggravated assault on our law enforcement. I know this is happening all over, but in my ideal world, I can't stand for it.

As I watched the news coverage yesterday as a full scale man hunt was unfolding, there stood a man on camera that I have nothing but the utmost respect. He is a father, and a husband, and a friend, and a coach, and he just also happens to be a police officer. When that personal touch digs in the pit of your just meant something else to me. I have crossed over.

What is wrong with everyone? What gives you or anyone else the right to act violently, and so ridiculously randomly? I'm so absolutely done with it.

Shane Krohn is a pillar in our community. He stood there with body armour, and gun, and with no regard to his own safety.....protecting us. He along with others had to form a wall, so that we may be safe. That is bullshit....and I am grateful.

I am armed.
I will shoot first and ask questions later.
I will turn in your ass in a minute!
I will not tolerate thieves or any other criminal behavior.

It's time to stand up and form our own wall.